Nutrient provides nourishment, and that is a broad definition. Yet nutrients are more basic in the field of nutrition and diet.
They Provide Energy
Carbohydrates, fats and proteins give your body the energy it needs to perform all the biochemical reactions that occur throughout the day (and night). The energy is measured in calories (technically kilocalories but usually they are called calories). Gram for gram, fat contains more calories than either carbohydrates or protein; one gram of fat contains nine calories and the other two have four calories per gram.
They Are Helpful In Regulating Body Functions
All six groups are involved, along with many others, in the control of different body functions such as sweating, temperature, metabolism, blood pressure, thyroid function. When all the different functions are in balance, it’s said the body is in homeostasis.
They Are Important For Body Structures
As raw materials, fats , proteins, and minerals are used to construct and preserve tissues, muscles, and other components such as bones and teeth. Carbohydrates are not on this list, however your body will take and convert any extra carbohydrates into fat that can be stored in adipose tissue.
Six Major Categories Of Nutrients
1. Protein
Proteins are long chains of tiny molecules , called amino acids, which for this very reason are considered “the building blocks of life.” Without them the body will not be able to synthesize the proteins it requires for proper functioning. All over your body there are many different protein types, each performing a specific function.
2. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the most important nutrients which give you energy. Everything you do in life needs a certain amount of carbohydrates, sleep, study, breath and training. Athletes who really want to become the top dog can stop at nothing to get the best out of the food they consume and so make wise choices about what kind of carbohydrates they consume.
3. Fats
Fats should make up a very small percentage, 15 percent or less, of your entire diet. But fats are still required, and you shouldn’t eat a fat-free diet, but eat a low fat diet instead. Avoids saturated fats like cancer (because these are the fats attributed to cancer and cardiovascular disease). The best fats are uncooked oils (olive, canola, safflower and flaxseed), based on plants.
4. Water
Water enhances brain activity and mood. It serves as a shock absorber and a body lubricant. It also helps to flush out toxins, to bring nutrients into cells, to hydrate the body and to prevent constipation.
5. Vitamins
There are many types of vitamins your body can’t produce on its own, so you need to get them from the food you consume and, in some cases, from the supplements you take to work properly. Some of the vitamins which are particularly common are:
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a good antioxidant, much like vitamin C, so it can help support your immune system. Protecting the nervous system may also help.
Vitamin D
Your body needs enough vitamin D to absorb the calcium. Although vitamin D does not occur naturally in many food sources, with this important vitamin you can buy foods such as orange juice, cereal, and milk fortified with it.
Isotonix Vitamin D with K2 contains vitamin D3, the metabolically active form of vitamin D, along with vitamin K2, a type of vitamin K that promotes the use of calcium and vascular health. While working with vitamin K to facilitate normal calcium absorption and promote healthy arteries, vitamin D plays an important role in bone health, heart health, and immune support.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which helps to support the immune system. Provided that it also plays a key role in the production of collagen, this vitamin also promotes good joint and skin health.
Isotonix Vitamin C separates itself from other drugs on the market, supplying you with the highest nutrient absorption inside the product in the shortest time. Overall, Isotonix Vitamin C is the most cost-effective delivery of the nutrients that your body needs.
B Complex Vitamin
These vitamins improve vitality, promote good mental health and create red blood cells.
Isotonix Activated B-Complex provides in isotonic form metabolically active sources of many vitamins and minerals, ensuring the body gets and uses essential nutrients rapidly and efficiently. B-vitamins, such as B6, B12, and folic acid, must undergo chemical modifications before the body can use them.
6. Consider Supplement Full Of Nutrients
Coenzyme Q10 is a nutrient which plays a vital part in maintaining health. It contributes to a healthy cardiovascular system, parodontal health, healthy blood sugar levels and cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations are maintained. It also helps maintain levels of vitamin E in the cell membranes, energizes the immune system and helps maintain a healthy weight.