Sleep is important to your physical and mental health, but several factors can influence how well you sleep at night, both internal and external. You probably didn’t know that insomnia can be associated with mineral and vitamin deficiencies but the relationship between vitamins and sleep is complicated.

To function properly, the body requires a large variety of vitamins and minerals. You get them from your diet, the environment, and the internal workings of your body. Having mineral and vitamin deficiencies can cause multiple health issues, including sleep problems as a side effect, so supplements can be always the way to go.

It is worth getting a complete health test to see if the problem is that you don’t get enough of a sleep-enhancing vitamin, or whether your body doesn’t absorb the vitamin properly (or, you know, whether your sleep problem is anything else altogether). Through a blood test, your doctor can confirm many potential vitamin deficiencies, and then work with you to find a treatment plan to combat any symptoms, including poor sleep.

Mineral and Vitamin Deficiencies


Magnesium is the body’s fourth most abundant mineral and supports over 300 enzyme systems. It facilitates natural energy release, body temperature control, nerve function, stress tolerance, metabolism, and much more. One of the magnesium’s main mechanisms in the body is its support for normal protein synthesis. Normal protein synthesis is based on optimal magnesium concentrations, since magnesium supports normal delivery of signals that trigger the expression of amino acids to the building blocks of life – our DNA. This process, in other words, supports normal body ability to “make” proteins. For adults, the recommended daily dose is 400 mg magnesium. Daily total intakes, however, are much less.

The study also showed a relatively low dietary intake among women. Unfortunately, inadequate magnesium levels were associated with impaired concentration, memory and cognitive function, and muscle discomfort. Sleep quality is associated with higher magnesium levels and can suffer from sleep quality when these levels are poor. Isotonix Magnesium contains 100 percent of the recommended daily dose of magnesium in a highly bioavailable formulation for the body. Thanks to its unique formula, which includes two different types of magnesium to increase absorption by the body, Isotonix Magnesium helps maintain normal blood pressure and supports bone health and sleep quality, while promoting head comfort and optimal muscle health.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D also has a significant effect on sleep, perhaps best known for its role in immune function, bone health and hormone development.

Vitamin D helps to control the circadian rhythm, the “internal clock” that makes you wake up throughout the morning, feel energized during the day and fall asleep at night, according to Breus. (Since your primary source of vitamin D is the sun, light and dark both have a major impact on your circadian rhythm, that makes sense.)

Vitamin B12

While we still have a lot to learn about the particular role that B12 plays in influencing sleep, some limited evidence indicates involvement in your process of sleep-wake. This research found that supplementation with B12 helped to regulate the cycles of sleep-wake in two patients who had long lived with cycle sleep-wake disorders. Vitamin B12 is essential for brain function, promoting cardiovascular health including the formation of red blood cells and encouraging DNA activity. Here’s what we think of its sleep effects.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 engages in many body functions. This encourages immune health, and facilitates cognitive growth and function.B vitamins that help your body break down food into usable nutrients and make you feel energized also play a role in controlling fast eye sleep movement, your deepest sleep level.


Although not traditionally thought of as a sleep regulator, zinc, your body’s second most abundant mineral, may, in fact, influence your Z’s, recent research says.

For example, one study published in Biological Trace Element Research found people with the mineral ‘s highest blood and hair levels reported sleeping longer. A major study has also associated zinc levels with sleep quality and disturbances, warranting further analysis of how this main mineral interacts with the processes of the body that influence your ability to rest at night.


Iron deficiency, otherwise known as anemia, can cause a host of symptoms, but its relation to sleep disorders is intriguing: anemia makes you more susceptible to restless leg syndrome, a disorder in which the limbs spontaneously shake during the night, causing sleep disturbances. The lower the iron levels, the more likely you will have restless legs, and therefore a rocky night.

Vitamin C

woman having insomia due to vitamin deficiencies
Shot of female health’s after waking up at morning.

You probably already know the value of vitamin C to your immune system, but did you know that sleeping is important too? According to a study, people who have low vitamin C levels or have vitamin deficiencies have more sleep problems and were more likely to wake up during the night.

Use Supplement With Mood Sleep And Calmness

Sometimes it is hard to feel calm and grounded, particularly when the anxious and worrying thoughts are cutting into your downtime. Often you just need to get away from the to-do lists of life and avoid the brakes on your ruminating mind. Bring a bit of peace to your life with Isotonix Essentials ®.

Designed for relaxation, Isotonix Essentials® Turn Down features a custom blend of vitamins, amino acids, and minerals all in one easy-to-use packet. The formula contains effective key ingredients to help you quiet down your body, promote mental clarity, control mental tension, and support healthy sleep quality.

Most people will benefit a little from slowing down life. According to the American Institute of Stress, 77 percent of people regularly experience stress-induced physical symptoms ( e.g. tiredness, headache, muscle tension); 76 percent regularly experience psychological symptoms from stress.

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