The body is continuously under attack due to oxidative stress. In the body, oxygen breaks up into single atoms of unpaired electrons. Electrons prefer to be in pairs, and these atoms, known as free radicals, scavenge the body to look for other electrons so that they can become a pair. It allows cells, proteins and DNA to become impaired.You will encounter substances that produce free radicals in the food we consume, the drugs we take, the air we breathe and the water we drink. Such contaminants include fried foods, alcohol, smoke from cigarettes, pesticides and air pollutants.

Free radicals are harmful by-products of oxygen absorption that can cause severe damage to living cells and tissues in a cycle called oxidative stress. Antioxidants are also the vitamins and minerals that the body uses to counteract oxidative stress.

Although free radicals are a natural by-product of oxygen metabolism, the number of free radicals in the body is dramatically increased by certain environmental and behavioral threats, which in effect dramatically increases oxidative stress on the body. Cigarette smoking is the body’s most potent free source of radicals. Only one or two puffs can spread oxidative stress on your body.Environmental pollution, fried foods and broiled meat from charcoal often contribute to oxidative stress. The resulting increase in free radicals will kill the cell membranes, increase the risk of several types of cancer and damage the inner lining of your blood vessels , resulting in increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

Those foods are a big source of free radicals and should be eaten moderately or not at all including:

1. Limits The Red Meat

Because of its high iron content it is especially more susceptible to oxidation.

2. Avoid High Glycemic Foods

Food which is high in carbohydrates and sugars. They have a greater chance of producing free radicals.

3. Limit Processed Meats

These involve sausages, bacon, and salami. They contain preservatives which lead to free radical growth.

4. Do Not Reuse Cooking Oils And Fats

We are oxidized by the heating of fats and oils during cooking, creating free radicals that flow through our food.

5. Limit Alcohol

Alcoholic drinks not only have a high calorie content but can also create free radicals in the body. Consider restricting your beverages to one or two a day.

Can Dietary Antioxidants Fight Free Radicals?

Antioxidants are molecules that are unique. Their chemical structure allows them to perform their principal task — neutralizing free radicals. Antioxidants are proteins that can give an electron, or remove it. That is important because free radicals have unpaired electrons which makes them highly reactive. Electrons like sets. If not, these unpaired electron molecules should try their best to solve the problem. That is what can lead to reactions that cause the above described oxidative damage. Antioxidants don’t mind helping out free radicals by giving an electron or by passing it on. These free radicals are neutralized with all the electrons paired up and can be safely withdrawn from the body.

1. Take Fruit For Dessert

Female Eating Cereal for Breakfast

Instead of sweet cookies and pies. Apples, cantaloupe, cherries, grapefruit, kiwi, papaya, red grapes, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries are a delight on their own or when blended together to make beautiful fruit salads.

2. Vegetable

Vegetables are amongst the strongest nutrient and antioxidant sources. Choose bright, rich colors including red , purple, green and yellow and every day try to eat a variety of these colors. Good sources of antioxidants such as alfalfa sprouts, spinach, sweet potatoes, corn, red cabbage and tomatoes are certain vegetables with B-carotene, lycopene, and lutein.Incorporate vegetables into your lunches and snacks as well as dinners to ensure that you eat at least five separate servings a day.

3. Nuts

Nuts are plant foods that are nutrient dense and offer a powerful punch of nutrients. The standout antioxidant is the walnut, as it contains almost twice the amount of antioxidants present in all other tree and ground nuts. They are also the richest nutin omega-3 fatty acids that counter inflammation and reduce the risk of chronic illness.Enjoy nuts raw or roasted as nuts have little effect on free or complete polyphenols present in nuts.

4. Herbs

Not only are herbs and spices adding flavor to our food but some can also alleviate oxidative stress in our bodies. Try including extract of ginkgo, rosemary, turmeric , ginger and grape seed.

5. Take Antioxidant Supplement

Isotonix OPC-3 ® is an isotonic food supplement made from a mixture of bilberry, grape seed, red wine, and pine bark extracts, and bioflavonoids from the citrus extract, all found to be effective antioxidants. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) are bioflavonoids (complex organic compounds of plants) found in fruits, vegetables, and other tree barks that provide the human body with exceptional nutritional value. Studies have shown that OPCs are up to 20 times more effective in neutralizing free radicals than vitamin C and 50 times more effective than vitamin E.The OPC-3 isotonix contains the world’s only isotonic source of Pycnogenol ®. Pycnogenol is the most scientifically studied and active bioflavonoid, a natural plant extract from the bark of the French maritime pine tree.

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