Sometimes we just feel low for no reason whatsoever and knowing how to improve the mood can be hard. But did you know that it was linked to lifting your spirits by adding certain nutrients to your diet? Adding to the vitamins and nutrients you are deficient in will really make you feel better!

We have put together the definitive ‘Vitamins for Happiness’ guide: each of these vitamins has been connected to maintain a good mood when the diet is deficient in these nutrients.

Eating a well-balanced diet, daily exercise, and having enough sleep are the best ways to maintain your natural energy levels. Luckily there are a number of vitamins and supplements that you can turn to for an energy boost.

Here Are Six Natural Vitamins And Supplements Which Can Boost Your Energy


Magnesium is the body’s fourth most abundant mineral, which supports over 300 enzyme systems. It facilitates natural energy release, body temperature control, nerve function, stress tolerance, metabolism, and much more. One of the magnesium ‘s key functions in the body is its support for natural protein synthesis. Normal protein synthesis is dependent on optimum magnesium concentrations since magnesium facilitates proper delivery of signals that activate the transmission of amino acids to the building blocks of life – our DNA. This method, in other words, supports normal body capacity to “create” proteins. To adults, the minimum daily value is 400 mg magnesium. Total daily intakes, however, are much smaller. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that most U.S. adults, especially those over 30 years of age, received around 290 mg of magnesium daily on average.

The study also showed a relatively low dietary intake among women. Unfortunately, insufficient magnesium rates were correlated with impaired attention, memory, and cognitive function and muscle discomfort. Sleep quality is associated with higher magnesium levels and when these levels are low, the quality of sleep may suffer. Isotonix Magnesium in a highly bioavailable solution provides the body with 100 percent of the required daily dose of magnesium. Thanks to its special recipe, which requires two separate magnesium forms to improve body absorption, Isotonix Magnesium helps maintain normal blood pressure and improves bone health and quality of sleep, while encouraging comfort to the head and optimum strength of muscles.

Omega 3

Omega fatty acids are essential because they can not be made by your body. These nutrients are however essential to many of our body functions, such as functions of heart and blood pressure. They also play a crucial role in promoting healthy brain and nerve cells, since the nervous system mainly consists of fats.


Zinc is another essential mineral needed to keep your body healthy. This implies that the body can not generate this nutrient on its own, naturally, and must receive it from other sources. Shellfish, seafood, legumes , and nuts are all-natural sources of zinc, but many people fail to consume enough zinc from food sources in modern-day diet.Zinc helps your body with much process including nerve function and immune system growth. Zinc is on our ‘Vitamins for Happiness’ list as it is located at its highest level in the brain and has been connected to regulating the response of the brain and body to stress

Take Energy Shots

When you can’t afford a letdown, Awake Energy Shots give your body the boost it needs. Awake Energy Shots help keep you healthy, energized and concentrated all day, formulated with caffeine, B vitamins , amino acids and other nutrients to provide the long-lasting physical and mental strength you need.In addition, Awake Energy Shots is a fantastic daily pick-me-up with two great-tasting flavors – orange and grape, with zero calories and zero sugars.

Although you might be waking up with coffee and soft drinks, they do not help your mental concentration. Awake Energy Shots help your body’s own energy systems by delivering you can rely on long-term, sustainable results. Awake Energy Shots take seconds to drink and are light, compact, and delicious in taste. They fit comfortably into your desk drawer, glove box, locker, bag, or backpack. These are non-carbonated and do not need refrigeration so that you can drink them anytime you need a fast boost.


Creatine is a natural compound to be found in red meat, pork, poultry, and fish. It acts as a quick-energy source in your body. Supplementing with creatine increases energy stores in your body. This increased energy allows you to practice longer and harder.

Use Immune Supplement

Maintaining the body safe can be seen as a full-time task. The regular demands, obligations and ongoing pressures of a busy lifestyle sometimes create a situation in which the body’s immune system may require extra support, given your best efforts.With its specific combination of immune-boosting ingredients — including the clinically studied Wellmune ® — and the unique delivery system offered by Isotonix alone, Isotonix Immune will not only deliver maximum absorption, it will also pre-eminence the natural immune response.

Using Isotonix Immune on a daily basis makes staying active, strong, and healthy throughout the year so much easier. A healthy immune system is helping to form your health and wellness foundation. Isotonix Immune is designed to assist your inborn immune cells, encourage natural immune response participation, and help you stay healthy and energetic.

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