This time has impacted our lives in so many ways, and it is likely that many of you are looking for more predictability and security in your life, feeling anxious, frightened, and tired. It makes sense to be worried because you can not go a minute without hearing or reading terms like how to stay healthy during pandemic, quarantine, or social distance. It is normal, when we feel panic and fear, to try to hold a grip wherever we may. True, we can spend more time at home while doing our part to be law-abiding citizens obeying our local government’s latest regulations, but apart from that, what else can we do to reinforce a greater sense of security and safety in our individual lives and in the lives of our families and loved ones?

1. Healthy Hygiene Practice

Clean your hands. Cough up your elbow and sneeze. But do take note that you may become infected and have no symptoms. This means you may be able to contact people with a high risk of severe illness, such as an elderly grandparent or an asthma classmate.

How about the masks, finally? In most masks, viruses can traverse the materials. There are some very expensive types (known as N-95 and N-99) which were made largely to control disease exposure. But they should be reserved during epidemics to help those on the front lines of illness — doctors and nurses. Cheaper surgical masks continue to support safer individuals.Their biggest benefit is curbing the release of infected droplets of saliva and snot from already ill people.

2. Always Wash Your Hands!

Often. Assume that sneezes or dirty hands have left infectious residues on any surface you haven’t personally cleaned or seen cleaned (especially outside your home). Scrub yourself away for 20 seconds. (Singing the Happy Birthday song twice — not easily — when washing.) Don’t forget to wash between your fingers and under your fingernails.If soap and water are not available, a hand sanitizer based on alcohol may be used to disinfect the hands. Another option: Place a clean tissue or paper towel between the knob and your side, if you have to turn a door knob.

3. Wear Gloves In Public While Out

Any glove made of cotton, wool or Lycra should do it. Don’t touch the gloves outside when you take them off. And wash the gloves in hot water once home (but do not dry wool ones with heat or they will shrink). Available latex or other types of plastic gloves can be reused several times if you spray the outside with a disinfectant based on alcohol right before taking them off.

4. Don’t Shake Hands, Kiss People Or Hug Them

Handshaking, hugging and even kissing people is an important way to spread germs, because we touch our faces many times an hour. This pandemic is the time for bumps by fist or elbow. And smile from a distance away from an arm.

5. Make Sure Surfaces are Disinfected

disinfecting and staying healthy during pandemic

These include desk tops, telephone keypads, computer keyboards, remote TVs, kitchen counters and door handles. Rub them with a rag or paper towel, dampened with a disinfectant based on alcohol. (Do not get wet electronics. A dampened rag is enough, and will not damage your devices.)

6. Eviting People

When you have to go out where there are plenty of people, keep the distance of a cough away from them wherever possible — about one meter (or yard). It is likely that anyone near you is sick and shows no signs.

7. Stay Away From A Sick Person As Much As Possible

Avoid direct contact with sick people during a pandemic. Keep your distance from others when you are sick, to prevent them from getting sick too. Stay home, if you’re sick. If needed, when you’re sick, stay home from work, school and errands.

8. Do Not Share Things With Somebody Who Is Sick In Your House

Sharing is certainly not the first thing that comes to mind because it means social interaction during a pandemic. There are also other forms of sharing which do not include physical touch. However, avoid sharing as much as possible particularly when not needed.

9. Keep Your Hands Away From Your Face

Not that it is impossible to. Most people do so, without several hours of thought. But germs that you pick from touching a contaminated surface can start reproducing as soon as they contact our eyes, nose and mouth with moist areas.

10. Do Not Panic during a Pandemic

It’s right we shouldn’t be in a panic. It would be absurd to claim there are positive things coming out of this pandemic, but there are reasons for optimism and other ways to stay safe and healthy during a pandemic; reasons to believe that there might be ways of containing and defeating the infection. And lessons for the future.

11. Get your Daily Dose of Vitamin C

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is well known to help a healthy immune system especially this time of pandemic. Since your body can’t make vitamin C, it needs to come from food you eat every day and even supplements.

Research shows that vitamin C is vital to tissue growth and repair in the body. Vitamin C helps heal and repair wounds, and keep healthy bones , teeth, skin, and cartilage — a type of firm tissue that covers the bones. Vitamin C, as an antioxidant, battles free radicals in the body that can help prevent or delay some cancers and heart disease and encourage healthy aging.For those with osteoarthritis, vitamin C from foods also tends to reduce the risk of loss of cartilage. While it may not keep you from catching a cold, there is some evidence that for some people, high doses of vitamin C may decrease the duration of cold symptoms by as much as one to a half days.However, other studies have not led to the same conclusions, and with high doses of vitamin C supplements, the risk of side effects is greater, so consult with your doctor or dietitian before taking it.

Vitamin C sources exist and reach far beyond the ever-popular orange even or orange juice. Many fruits and vegetables are providing the essential vitamin. Vitamin C sources include citrus fruits, onions, carrots, bananas, green and red bell peppers, broccoli, sprouts and kiwifruit from Brussels among others. You should savor these fresh or cooked foods,But it’s important to note that when heated or stored for long periods of time, fruits and vegetables lose vitamin C. Eat them as soon as possible after shopping to get the most nutrients, and consider steaming or microwaving vegetables for short periods of time to reduce nutrient loss.

 Isotonix Vitamin C provides superior delivery of the nutrients your body needs in the most cost effective way.  The liquid composition of Isotonix Vitamin C Formula places the vitamins and minerals in an optimal position for absorption and superior delivery to the body’s systems. Isotonix Vitamin C is an exemplary product that leaves you with peace of mind, knowing that you are doing the most and the best for your health.*

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