Have you ever considered picking up a good habit, but never got around to it? You could have managed to do so in a few days but lost the willpower to keep working. It can be tough to keep a healthy lifestyle, perhaps you’re intimidated by the commitment involved to establish the new practice and never got around to it. So we bring all the info and support you need to get through this 21 day challenge.

What is the Isotonix 21 Day Challenge?

21 days challenge is a diet program dedicated to helping people achieve their weight-loss goals through clean eating, calorie restriction, right supplementation and regular exercise.

The Isotonix 21 Day Challenge for example is geared towards maximum weight loss. There are two steps to this challenge: Phase 1 is a detox — a new start for the body that trains it for the second stage. Phase 2 is the phase of fat burning, during which fat and inches are lost. Use these straightforward and simple guides to change your life, today.

Phase 1 – Detox (Days 1-7)

Start your weight-loss journey with a revitalizing cleanse! Phase 1 is to take away some desire for sweet, healthy and salty foods while supporting your e  efforts to lose weight. This detox bursts with fruits and vegetables and is the first move into a brand new you.

You can begin each morning with Isotonix ® Multivitamins together with your nutriClean Detox package and a glass of warm lemon juice or even lemon-infused water. With Isotonix OPC-3 ® on an empty stomach, you can provide powerful antioxidants and a good nutritional base to your body. You’ll then take your NutriClean Fiber Powder and 2 Release Tablets to continue the daytime detox cycle and wash it down with a glass of liquid lemon juice or water! It’s such a great morning regimen especially with plenty of health benefits associated with lemon water like helping with cravings and helping to wash out the toxins of your body.

What you should eat: Don’t starve here! Though this program is free from grain and dairy, there’s no reason to assume that you ‘re not going to eat yummy, filling meals! You’ll eat 3 main meals each day along with 2 snacks (one third is optional) including water and a small bite of fruits + vegetables. In Phase 1, you ‘re going to get back on the protein a little bit (don’t worry-we ‘re increasing this soon) and stick with 2-3 ounces, and you can throw your plate with unlimited vegetables!

Phase 2 – Fat Burning (Days 8-21)

Now that your body is a fresh start, Step up the focus on weight reduction through Phase 2. Specially built to aim stubborn fat, you’ll reach the maximum stage of fat reduction during these weeks. You’ll lose the extra pounds of fat in this process, and finally, feel it great physically but also mentally.

What you should eat: We ‘re moving on to the Fat-Burning Phase and you’re going to increase your protein as we put exercise back into your routine! Females will get breakfast, lunch , and dinner in 4-6 ounces. While men should be shooting for 6-8 ounces. With the protein boost you would be reducing down the fruits to one a day. But don’t worry – you can cut 1 fruit into 2 serving sizes to have half a fruit with your morning snack and the other with your midday or evening snack!

21 Day Challenge Meal Plan

21 day challenge infographics

The greatest part about this 21-Day Challenge is it’s your own challenge! Can you challenge yourself to remain 21 days focused and committed? Together with Isotonix, we believe that you can achieve anything that you set your mind to!

Learn more on how Isotonix can help you with your healthy Journey.

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